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Teachers Profiles
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My name is Dawn Smith and I have ran The Daisy Foundation East Dunbartonshire for over 4 years. A path which I found after having my 2 kids who are 5 & 7 years old. My big passion is for supporting pregnant people and families. I do this through a range of classes/workshops/meet-ups & online support. Supporting families from 14 weeks pregnant until baby is 2 years old.

I facilitate Daisy Birthing Classes, which are classes for pregnant people from 14 weeks pregnant to Birth, Helping them prepare for their Birthing Day. Daisy Parent, Active Birth Workshop & Infant Feeding Workshop are workshops for couples from 30 weeks, that cover topics such as Active Birth, Baby Preparation and Infant Feeding topics. Daisy Baby classes suitable from 6 weeks old to baby is 18 months old. These classes are broken down into 3 classes to cover the appropriate age range. Tinies, Wrigglers & Cruisers.

I also offer Birth Doula Services as New Dawn Birth Doula. Further Details can be found on this website.

The New Dawn Wellbeing Hub will be an extension of what I have provided over the last couple of years. Allowing a wider community to be reached with Yoga classes, mindfulness classes and much more to come.
You can also find me at:
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Laura Carney Yoga Alliance Professional approved teacher.

I began practicing yoga in 2010 as a means to manage pain for lower back issues following the birth of my son . The strength and confidence gained from my practise lead me to completing my Teacher Training in 2017 with Infinity Integrated where I studied Hatha, Vinyasa, Moksha and Hot Yoga styles followed by Yin Teacher Training with Chi Therapeutics in 2018.

Yoga has now become an integral part of my life it has the power to transform lives. In my classes I aim to share my knowledge and understanding to allow my students to find that deep connection with themselves to enhance their lives in a positive way.
You can also find me at: 
I’m a 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher, Level 3 Personal Trainer, Pregnancy Yoga Teacher specialising in Pre/Post Natal and Parent/Baby Classes.

I also teach Kids Yoga in some schools around Glasgow and love to teach Yoga for Sports Performance Enhancement to some professional sporting teams.

I am a Bootcamp and Suspended Bodyweight Instructor and enjoy weight lifting. I also teach fitness and yoga classes at Glasgow University.

Being an artist at heart; my weapon of choice is a paintbrush! In my spare time I love to read, write, create art and I thoroughly enjoy aerial circus training!

You can also find me at:
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Hi, my name is Kirstyn and I offer guided meditation classes at New Dawn Wellbeing Hub. I will offer anxiety, emotional wellbeing, and empowerment.


You can find me on Facebook at Kindfulness Kik

After being a stay at home mum for eight and a half years I decided to embark on a career in counselling.

I had previously studied psychology in a social sciences course and have always been fascinated with the mind and it’s abilities, along the way I found that the anxiety that I had suffered my whole life was starting to stand in my way.

After studying hypnotherapy, mindfulness and attending guided meditation courses I was able to realise that fighting my anxiety was not helping me and so I found acceptance in having anxiety and have learned coping mechanisms to help me deal with anxiety in a positive and healthy way.

I owe this to what I have learned throughout my journey in study. And since then I have wanted to create these classes.

I have always found positive affirmations to be helpful and I promote kindness in all aspects of my life.


I have had a goal for three years to be able to offer guided meditation classes that include mindfulness and kind mind strategies.

I have worked hard to achieve qualifications in hypnotherapy and counselling that allow me to incorporate progressive muscle relaxation techniques teamed with my learnings from Cognitive behavioural therapy, Mindfulness and Neuro Linguistic Programming to offer appropriate scripts to guide meditations and I am passionate about empowering those that I engage with to be mindful of thinking kinder thoughts , using powerful positive affirmations.

I have had experience volunteering these sessions and have had great responses.

These classes will provide a safe space for people to relax and gain helpful tools to help with anxiety, stress, day to day issues and more.

It can sometimes be a struggle to turn off intrusive thoughts to allow yourself to have a quiet mind and in my classes I will offer techniques to help overcome this.

Mindfulness allows us to be present in the moment and practice the act of awareness.

Kindfulness allows us to respond to ourselves with more compassion and acceptance, with self love, this can be then extended to others.


Love and Kindness, Kik

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Emma Ion

Hi, I’m Emma and the creat0r of Bonnie Barre Scotland. I'm a first time mum to my little boy Oscar who was born 2 weeks before the first lock down.

I'm an ex-professional dancer turned dance teacher now living in Glasgow but originally from Bristol, England.

I'm a qualified Level 2 Exercise to Music Instructor and Barre fitness instructor and fanatic.

 I teach barre fitness classes for adults and host a specially designed Barre and Baby class as well.


Barre is combination of elements from yoga, Pilates, ballet inspired moves and cardio components and strength training making it a full body workout.

It's a low impact exercise class performed to music which makes it suitable for all ages and abilities.

We focus on small isolated movements which help improve balance, build strength, increase flexibility, burn calories and improve stability through a stronger core.


My barre and baby classes are designed for new mums wanting to get back into exercise gently and safely after giving birth without the headache of having to find child care. This is a great bonding experience with your baby and you get to start exercising again safely to regain strength, stamina and Increase core stability

(1) Bonnie Barre | Facebook

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Katie Smith

Hi, I’m Katie and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry for over 4 years now.
Since the birth of my baby boy Logan I've taken a bigger interest in pre and
postnatal fitness and decided to do my CPD course to further my career.

I launched prenatal fitness at New Dawn Well-being hub because I realised
when I was pregnant there was nothing like it in the area and how much
pregnant woman need support and guidance when trying to continue

My prenatal fitness class focuses on core strength, maintaining
stamina and mobilising the muscles of the body. We use a variety of equipment
in class such as light weights, resistance bands and even steps sometimes.
It is also a great class as it’ll allow you to make bonds with other mums to be prior
to baby being born. 

KS Inspiring fitness | Facebook
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Donna Gibson

About me:
Yoga has been a part of my life for over 15 years. I practiced it on and off in the beginning but I was always drawn back to it every time because of how it made me feel. I felt so nurtured, relaxed and peaceful afterwards. I went on to qualify as a Yoga Teacher 4 years ago and have also ran my own studio The Chakra Hut before having my little girl.

Yoga has helped me through many phases and transitions in my life from trying to conceive, pregnancy and now the ups and downs of motherhood. Yoga helps you to stay calm, patient and present as well as stretching and strengthening your body which is really needed on the journey into motherhood!

I will be running pregnancy and post-natal Yoga classes at New Dawn Wellbeing Hub to share its benefits with other mums and mums to be.

About the class:

During pregnancy your body goes through many changes, which creates stress on you mentally and physically. Pregnancy yoga focuses on poses for pregnant women, in order to increase strength and stretch out those parts that really need it during pregnancy!

It will help to develop proper breathing and relaxation techniques for an easier and more comfortable labour.

The classes are also all about creating a community so we can all support each other throughout this blossoming into motherhood.

We will end the class with Yoga Nidra so you can float off home to bed feeling relaxed and nurtured.

Suitable for those who have never done Yoga before.

For further info and booking visit my Facebook Page: The Blossomin Yogi 
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